Influencer Marketing

Best ways to promote your YouTube channel for free

Creating a YouTube channel in the anticipation of getting a lot of followers/subscribers, without having to do much. Well, that’s not really how it works. Simply creating a YouTube channel and putting your content out there (even if it’s high-quality content) won’t be enough. In order to create a gigantic following, you will have to promote your channel. It may sound expensive but trust me, it doesn’t need to be that way. This article is going to help you and teach you about how you can promote your YouTube channel without having to empty your pockets.

According to statistics, hundreds of new contents are uploaded on YouTube, every single minute. That’s thousand hours of content each day and no doubt, your 3–4-minute video is going to have lots a competition. So, if you think about it, without any promotion your content might just get lost amid the storm of other video contents. And you might not be able to get the views you deserve. But you don’t have to worry, with the help of this article you’re going to learn the tips and tricks to increase your views and followers.

Still don’t have a YouTube channel? Well, what are you waiting for? Go and create one and post the content that you have always wanted to share with the world.

Tips to promote your Youtube Channel Free of Cost

Everything in this world is evolving. The same goes for YouTube. What was once useful to become trendy on YouTube, might not help you the same today. But some things are constant like, the funny pet videos and they still are in top charts. These days, however, YouTube has been widely captured by brands and businesses to endorse and promote their products and services. 

About 62% businesses are using YouTube for promoting their content nowadays. This is evident enough that YouTube is a great marketing strategy for those who wish to flourish their business. So, it’s very important for you to know how to promote your content and videos without spending tons of money. Below mentioned are some ways to promote your YouTube channel for free.

Produce Content Worth Promoting

Now, you already know that even if you post high quality content, no one will watch it until promoted. But the reverse is also true. That is, no one is going to watch your content if it’s not good enough. So, if you really wish to grow your channel, you’ll need to fill it with content worth promoting. Otherwise, you’ll just end up with videos full of content that no one wishes to see or share. 

Here is a very easy process to create quality video content:

  1. Choose wisely the content you wish to post

  2. Prepare a script or an outline for your video

  3. Record the content with good quality camera

  4. Add effects/trim (edit) your YouTube video accordingly

  5. Upload your video

  6. Add a catchy video thumbnail

  7. Optimise your YouTube video

Make use of YouTube SEO

Using SEO is the best way to promote your YouTube channel for free. YouTube is one of the largest Search Engines after Google, today. There are billions of searches running across it on a monthly basis. To make sure that your content is reaching out to the masses, you’ll have to use YouTube SEO. This helps you in using the appropriate keywords in your video descriptions and headlines so your content is more visible to people.


In order to find the appropriate keywords for your content, you have to start with your topic. All you have to do is, enter your topic in YouTube’s search bar and use the autosuggest to guide your keyword choices. There are several YouTube SEO tools available that will help you find the right keywords. These keywords are what the audience uses to look for you or your content.

Video Titles

Now once you’re done with choosing your target keyword, you’ll want to use it in your video title, ideally at the beginning of the title. The title of the video is going to be the first thing that viewers will see, so you’ll need to write a catchy video-title that includes the keywords as well. Also note that the title of your video will be automatically shortened to 66 characters in Google search results, so it’s recommended that you keep the title within that limit.

Video Descriptions

Most people don’t pay attention to the fact that video description is equally important when it comes to getting your content to show up in the YouTube or Google search results. In order to write the most accurate description, think about the information that you wish to share with the viewers about your video. Try to include the target keyword as well as the related keywords in the description of your video to ensure that it is SEO friendly. You can also include the link of other contents owned by you that you wish to share as well.


Tags help the YouTube algorithm to know what your video is all about. Make sure that the tags you include are linked to the brand or content that you wish to promote. Do not include any irrelevant tags in hopes of getting ranked higher. This may work at first but then the users will find out about your con and you are more likely lose credibility.


Build a Community

You can keep your audience/viewers engaged by building a community. Building a community on YouTube doesn’t have to be complicated. An easy way to do this is to engage with the audience like replying to their comments, sharing meaningful information and adding value to their lives. This will help you a great deal.


Collaborate With Other Creators

The best way to expand your reach is to collaborate with other YouTube creators and influencers. These types of collaborations are beneficial to both the parties involved. All you have to do is simply create a video content that is unique for both the channels. It’s always better to find a content creator with good content and good audience.


Enable Contests

Running a contest is one of the best ways to promote your YouTube channel for free. When conducted in the right way, contests can bring in a lot of attention and get you more subscribers who are actually interested in your content.

We recommend giving away something that will reflect your content or your niche. This will help you to avoid those who are not genuinely interested in your niche. But make sure to come up with something exciting as a giveaway. If you are a chef, for example, you can give away free cookies or snacks made by you to the winners.

Don’t forget that you’re running the contest to get more subscribers for your channel. Make sure to ask them to subscribe your channel as a criterion for entering the contest

Promote Your YouTube Channel on Social Media

Building profiles on other social media platforms in order to promote your content is really beneficial. You don’t have to opt for all the social media platforms but just the ones where masses are likely to hang out most of the time. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are widely used by content creators to promote their content. So here are some ways for you to promote your videos on other social media platforms for free.



Currently, Facebook has more than 2.8 billion active users. No doubt Facebook has got quite a reach. Just by hitting the share button on your YouTube video you can share it on Facebook as well. You can also create a teaser or a sneak peek video to build suspense for the Facebook viewers and then link it to your full YouTube video.

It is highly recommended that you create a separate Facebook page for your professional content.



Not far from Facebook, Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly, active users, more than half of these users are in the age group of 13-34years. Here’s what you need to do in order to promote your content on Instagram for free:

Step 1. Switch to a Business or Creator Account

Anyone can create a business or creator account on Instagram. All you have to do is go to the profile settings, choose Account and then choose Add New Professional Account. This will help you unlock professional tools like analytics, which takes us on to our next step.

Step 2. Watch Your Analytics

Instagram analytics of your account will give you information about how your content is performing and who is viewing your content. Using these stats, you’ll be able to figure out what your followers like and engage in most. Then you can create more such content for your viewers.

Step 3. Consistency Matters

You will need to be regularly active on your Instagram account if you wish to promote your YouTube channel. That is, you will have to regularly post on Instagram at the appropriate time. Try to use images, Instagram stories, reels in order to engage more people.

Step 4. Use IGTV

IGTV is Instagram’s own video platform. If you want to promote your YouTube channel on Instagram, IGTV is a great way to do it. You can create teaser videos to introduce your YouTube channel and content to the people before directing them to your YouTube channel.


Use Hashtags

Hashtags are one of the most used features of various platforms. YouTube also uses hashtags in order to define category and facilitate tagging. It is more likely for the people to find your video if you use hashtags. YouTube allows up to 15 hashtags in one video, if you use more than that and all hashtags used on the video will be ignored. Make sure you use appropriate hashtags for your content. You can also create custom branded hashtags that will lead the viewers directly to you.

Promote Your YouTube Channel on Forums

Forums are one of the best places to promote your YouTube channel for free. But many forums have a strict “no promotions” policy. To get around this, make sure that you’re adding value to the conversation. Don’t just pop in, drop a link to your latest YouTube video and leave. Instead, engage with the people in the forum and share your content only if it will be of benefit to them.



By now you must have learned all the best possible ways to promote your YouTube channel for free. No doubt, there’s a lot of content on YouTube but there are also a large number of viewers who are in the search of new and quality content every day. Initially when you are building a new YouTube channel you might not have a budget to make paid-promotion but these tips will help you to gain the attention and engagement of quality audience. And always remember – Content Is King!

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